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    Multiple data sources that cover mostly all the topics of HADOOP. This is a compilation of training tutorial videos as well as books gathered. Returns are not accepted given that files included can be copied.
    Below are the HADOOP video tutorial files:
    Hadoop File Name
    Big Data Online Training  Steps to Hadoop installation   Hadoop Tutorial
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 1   Overview
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 2   Deploy AWS EC2 Instance
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 3   Install Cloudera CDH4
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 4   Register Twitter App
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 5   Configure Flume
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 6   MySQL and Hive Install
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 7   Configure Oozie Workflow
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 8  Configure Real time Access
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 9   ODBC Connectivity to Hive and Basic HQL
    Big Data, Hadoop, and Social Media In Action  Part 10   Streaming Facebook & Sentiment Analysis
    Discover HDP 2.1  Apache Hadoop 2.4.0, YARN & HDFS
    Discover HDP 2.1  Apache Solr for Hadoop Search
    Discover HDP 2.1  Interactive SQL Query in Hadoop with Apache Hive
    Discover HDP 2.1  Using Apache Ambari to Manage Hadoop Clusters
    Discover HDP 2.2  Comprehensive Hadoop Security with Apache Ranger and Apache Knox
    Discover HDP 2.2  Even Faster SQL Queries with Apache Hive and Stinger.next
    Discover HDP2.1  Apache Storm for Stream Data Processing
    Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 1 of 5
    Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 2 of 5
    Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 3 of 5
    Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 4 of 5
    Hadoop MapReduce Fundamentals 5 of 5
    DefCon 17 HackedExistence Hadoop Speech Part 1 4
    DefCon 17 HackedExistence Hadoop Speech part 2 4
    DefCon 17 HackedExistence Hadoop Speech part 3 4
    DefCon 17 HackedExistence Hadoop Speech part 4 4
    02. Hadoop Technology Stack
    07. Troubleshooting, Administering and Optimizing Hadoop
    10Gbe Apache Hadoop  Demo   what is it   and what is it for
    A New Generation of Data Transfer Tools for Hadoop Sqoop 2
    Accelerating Hadoop with In Memory Computing
    Acceleration for Big Data, Hadoop, and Memcached
    Aha   Hadoop   Not just for counting words
    An Introduction to Apache Hadoop Yarn
    An Introduction to Hadoop
    Analyzing Big Data with Twitter   Lecture 3   Bill Graham  Intro to Hadoop; Hadoop at Twitter
    Anant Jhingran Hadoop Summit 2011 IBM Watson & Big Data
    Apache Hadoop   MapReduce (MR2) and YARN
    Apache Hadoop   Petabytes and Terawatts
    Apache Hadoop Fundamentals
    Apache Hadoop HDFS
    Apache Hadoop Now, Next and Beyond
    Apache Pig Overview for Hadoop
    Apache Pig Project for Hadoop
    Apache Tez  Accelerating Hadoop Query Processing
    Arun Murthy Hadoop Summit 2011 Next Generation Apache Hadoop MapReduce
    Basic Introduction to Apache Hadoop
    Benefits of Apache Hadoop YARN
    Big Data   The Hadoop Data Warehouse   Part 1
    Big Data   The Hadoop Data Warehouse   Part 2
    Big Data and Hadoop 1   Hadoop Tutorial 1  Big Data Tutorial 1  Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners  1
    Big Data and Hadoop a perspective from IBM research
    Big Data Architectures   Beyond Hadoop  Impetus Webinar
    Big Data Episode 2  Hadoop
    Big Ideas  Demystifying Hadoop
    Bringing Hadoop to the Enterprise  IBM BigInsights Quick Start Edition
    Brisk  Truly Peer to Peer Hadoop
    Cloud friendly Hadoop and Hive
    Cloudera & Hadoop Use Cases   Omer Trajman and Rob Lancaster
    Code Walkthrough   Large data set processing with Hadoop & Map Reduce
    Combiner in Hadoop
    Configring input & output directories in hadoop MapReduce
    Copying data from Oracle to Hadoop using Informatica
    Creating and Using Snapshots for Protecting Data in a Hadoop Cluster
    Creating Hadoop 2 Node Cluster
    Data Lake for the Cloud  Extending your Hadoop Implementation
    DEFCON 17  Hadoop  Apache's Open Source Implementation of Google's MapReduce Framework
    Delivering Apache Hadoop for the Modern Data Architecture with Cisco and Hortonworks
    Demo for Hadoop User Environment (HUE) and Beeswax
    Difference between Internal and External Table in Hadoop
    Discover Red Hat and Apache Hadoop for the Modern Data Architecture   Part 2
    Don't be Hadooped When Looking for Big Data ROI
    Eclipse Setup for Hadoop
    Effective Hadoop™ Cluster Management  Impetus Webinar
    Eric Baldeschwieler Keynote at Hadoop Summit 2012
    ETL on Hadoop  Using Pig for log file Analysis on HDInsight Azure
    Evolution of Business Intelligence
    Flexible In Situ Indexing for Hadoop
    Free Hadoop online Training Tutorials with Interview Questions & Cloudera Certification
    Geoffrey Moore Keynote Hadoop Summit
    Getting started with Spring Data and Apache Hadoop
    GTAC 2011  Automating Hadoop Stack Deployment and Testing
    Hadoop   Past, Present and Future
    Hadoop  Apache's Open Source Implementation of Google's Map Reduce Framework 1 4   Defcon 17
    Hadoop  Apache's Open Source Implementation of Google's Map Reduce Framework 3 4   Defcon 17
    Hadoop  Apache's Open Source Implementation of Google's Map Reduce Framework 4 4   Defcon 17
    Hadoop + Solr HUG August 2011.m4v
    hadoop   Bing s
    Hadoop   Just the Basics for Big Data Rookies
    Hadoop   The Data Scientist's Dream
    Hadoop 2.0  YARN to Further Optimize Data Processing
    Hadoop and Big Data 1 6 Challenging Old Assumptions
    Hadoop and Big Data 2 6 Processing Petabytes
    Hadoop and Big Data 3 6 Technical Overview
    Hadoop and Big Data 4 6 One Data System with Many Users
    Hadoop and Big Data 5 6 Ferrari vs Freight Train
    Hadoop and Big Data 6 6 Augmenting Existing Systems
    Hadoop and Big Data at Merck
    Hadoop and Facebook Findings   Hacked Existence   Defcon 17
    Hadoop and HBase @eBay
    Hadoop and the Data Warehouse  When to Use Which
    Hadoop Architecture (2)
    Hadoop Architecture and its usage at Facebook   Microsoft Research
    Hadoop Architecture
    Hadoop Based Data Mining Platform for the Telecom Industry   Feng Cao
    HADOOP BIG DATA Training   Live Demo (Trainer Niranjan)
    HADOOP BIG DATA Training   Live Demo (Trainer Venkat)
    Hadoop cluster configuration 2
    Hadoop cluster maintenance
    Hadoop Cluster Monitoring
    Hadoop demo    Hadoop online training
    Hadoop demo class    Hadoop online training
    Hadoop Demo [Networked Laptops]
    Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Introduction
    Hadoop distributed file system commands
    Hadoop for OpenStack Log Analysis
    Hadoop HDFS in Detail
    Hadoop Hive    Hive Training    Intro to Hive and Architecture    learn Hadoop
    Hadoop installation and setup
    Hadoop Interview Questions
    Hadoop Map Reduce Wordcount example
    Hadoop MapReduce Example   How good are a city's farmer's markets
    Hadoop MapReduce Example How good are a city's farmer's markets
    Hadoop MapReduce explained in detail
    Hadoop MapReduce Tutorial   Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners 2   Big Data tutorial 2  Big Data  Hadoop
    Hadoop Meetup  Case Study   Building the AppNexus Pipeline Feb. 28, 2012
    Hadoop Meetup (HUG) August 2013  Hue  the UI for Apache Hadoop
    Hadoop Meetup (HUG) August 2013  Removing the NameNode's memory limitation   Part I
    Hadoop on Azure   Introduction for Developers
    Hadoop on Google Compute Engine for Processing Big Data
    Hadoop online training    100% guaranteed hadoop training
    Hadoop online training    Free demos Available for Hadoop training
    HADOOP Online Training   Overview DEMO   HD   Newyorksys
    Hadoop Online Training, Tutorials, s, Introduction
    Hadoop online training
    Hadoop Part 1 of 6
    Hadoop Part 2 of 6
    Hadoop Part 3 of 6
    Hadoop Part 4 of 6
    Hadoop Part 5 of 6
    Hadoop Part 6 of 6
    Hadoop Single Node Cluster Setup On Ubuntu
    hadoop sqoop hive Training In Chennai
    Hadoop Training   Hadoop Counters and Distributed Cache
    Hadoop Training   Understanding MapFiles (4)
    Hadoop Training   What is Hadoop SequenceFile  (5)
    Hadoop Training   What is InputSampler in Hadoop MapReduce  (3)
    HADOOP Training   Live Demo (Trainer Niranjan)
    HADOOP Training   Live Session 1 (Trainer Niranjan)
    HADOOP Training   Live Session 2 (Trainer Niranjan)
    Hadoop Training 1   Introduction to BigData, Hadoop, HDFS, MAPReduce
    Hadoop Training 2   Deep Dive In HDFS (What is Hadoop  )   What is HDFS     What is Hive
    Hadoop Training in Hyderabad   Hadoop Training in Ameerpet   Hadoop Training in Madhapur
    Hadoop Tutorial  Analyzing Geolocation Data
    Hadoop Tutorial  Analyzing Sensor Data
    Hadoop Tutorial  Analyzing Sentiment Data
    Hadoop Tutorial  Analyzing Server Logs
    Hadoop Tutorial  Apache HCatalog
    Hadoop Tutorial  Apache Hive
    Hadoop Tutorial  Apache Pig
    Hadoop Tutorial  Bundle Oozie coordinators with Hue
    Hadoop Tutorial  Core Apache Hadoop
    Hadoop Tutorial  Intro to HDFS (2)
    Hadoop Tutorial  Intro to HDFS
    Hadoop Tutorial  Introducing Apache Hadoop
    Hadoop Tutorial  Introduction to Hortonworks Sandbox
    Hadoop Tutorial   Setting up single node cluster   Hadoop Administration
    Hadoop Tutorial 1   What is Hadoop
    Hadoop Tutorial 10   Starting Hadoop Instance and Testing the Connection
    Hadoop Tutorial 11   Limitations of Network File System
    Hadoop Tutorial 12   Adressing Limitations of Distributed File System
    Hadoop Tutorial 13   Limitations of Hadoop File System
    Hadoop Tutorial 14   Block Structured File System
    Hadoop Tutorial 15   Replication in Hadoop File System
    Hadoop Tutorial 2   Challenges Created by Big Data
    Hadoop Tutorial 3   History Behind Creation of Hadoop (Google, Yahoo, and Apache)
    Hadoop Tutorial 4   Overview of Hadoop Projects
    Hadoop Tutorial 5   Steps to Install Hadoop on a Personal Computer (Windows OS X)
    Hadoop Tutorial 6   Downloading and Installing Oracle VirtualBox
    Hadoop Tutorial 7   Downloading Hadoop Appliance for Oracle VirtualBox
    Hadoop Tutorial 8   Importing Hadoop Appliance into Oracle VirtualBox
    Hadoop Tutorial 9   Configuring Hadoop Virtual Machine
    Hadoop Tutorial Hadoop Tutorial for Beginners Big Data Tutorial Hadoop Training Big Data Training
    Hadoop Tutorial HDFS, HIVE, PIG Online Training
    Hadoop v2 YARN Training in Chennai
    Hadoop vs MongoDB
    Hadoop VS SQL
    Hadoop's Commodity Hardware Based Approach
    Hadoop WHAT  How to find that needle of information in your own Big Data haystacks (HD)
    Hadoop Basics Unit1 Solutions v2
    Hadoop on Azure   running a MapReduce job in JavaScript w...
    Hadoop on Azure   Setting up a 32 node cluster
    Hadoop on Azure   Using the Mahout Clustering sample
    Hadoop on Azure Getting Started with Interactive Javascript
    Hadoop on Azure Pig Latin Query
    Harnessing the Power of Apache Hadoop Series  How to Manage Your Apache Hadoop Lifecycle
    HBase and Pig  The Hadoop ecosystem at Twitter
    HDFS Architecture
    HDP Advanced Security  Comprehensive Security for Enterprise Hadoop
    Henry Robinson Hadoop Summit 2011 Tying the threads together
    High Performance Predictive Analytics in R and Hadoop
    Hortonworks  Why the Open Cloud Benefits Apache Hadoop
    Hortonworks CEO, Rob Bearden accepts the ALS Challenge
    Hortonworks vision for Apache Hadoop
    How AOL Accelerates Ad Targeting Decisions with Hadoop and Membase Server
    How Apache Hadoop YARN Works
    How Hadoop Works
    How salesforce.com Uses Hadoop
    How SGI Deploys Hadoop Clusters
    How to build Big Data Pipelines for Hadoop using OSS
    How to Debugging WordCount Job In Hadoop
    How to display Database from RDBMS mysql for Sqoop (Hadoop)
    How to display Tables from RDBMS MySQL from Sqoop (Hadoop)
    How to export data from HDFS to RDBMS mysql (Hadoop)
    How to Import all tables from a specific database from RDBMS Mysql to HDFS (Hadoop)
    How to Import Tables from RDBMS MySQL from HDFS (Hadoop)
    how to install a single node hadoop cluster
    How to Install Hadoop
    How to load data into hive table in Hadoop
    How to use eclipse to build hadoop plugin
    How UC Irvine Medical Use Hadoop to Improve Care
    HP AppSystems for Hadoop
    HUG Meetup August 2012  What's stacking  an advanced Hadoop deployment with BigTop
    HUG Meetup January 2012  RHadoop, Hadoop for R
    HUG Meetup May 2012  Oozie  Towards a Scalable Workflow Scheduling System for Hadoop (Part 1)
    HUG Meetup May 2012  Oozie  Towards a Scalable Workflow Scheduling System for Hadoop (Part 2)
    IBM Big Data Symposium   Yahoo Hadoop
    iMStor Hadoop Storage based Tiering Platform
    In Database Hadoop  When MapReduce Meets the RDBMS
    In memory data and compute on top of Hadoop
    Informatica Hadoop Hive Pushdown 9.5.1
    Inside Cloudera's Distribution including Apache Hadoop v3
    Install Hadoop (CDH4) on 5 nodes with VMWare, CDH4, Cloudera Manager 4
    Intellipaat Hadoop training feedback from Sony Corporation
    Interview with IBM about Hadoop at the TDWI San Diego 2013 World Conference
    Intro to Hadoop MapReduce with C#
    Introducing Apache Hadoop  The Modern Data Operating System
    Introduction to Apache Hadoop and Spring Data Hadoop
    Introduction to Big Data, Hadoop, Hadoop Components and Microsoft HDInsight
    Introduction to Hadoop
    Introduction to Scoop and Architecture    Scoop Example    Hadoop Training
    Introduction to the Hadoop on Azure Interactive JavaScript Console
    Introduction to the Hadoop Services on Azure Interactive Hive Console (widescreen )
    Jay Rossiter Hadoop Summit 2011 Keynote
    John Schroeder Hadoop Summit 2011 MapR Talk
    Karthik Ranganathan Hadoop Summit 2011 Facebook Messages Infrastructure with Q&A
    Karthik Ranganathan Hadoop Summit 2011 Facebook Messages Infrastructure
    L01V01 HadoopWelcome Part1
    L01V02 HadoopWelcome Part2
    L02V01 hadooparchitecturepart1
    L02V02 hadooparchitecturepart2
    Liyin Tang Hadoop Summit 2011 Join Strategies in Hive
    Low Latency  OLAP  with Hadoop and HBase
    M3R  Increased Performance for In Memory Hadoop Jobs
    Making Hadoop Ready for the Enterprise
    Map Reduce    What is Map Reduce      Map Reduce Tutorial    Hadoop  d
    MapR Heatmap  provides visual insight into the health of the entire Hadoop cluster
    MapR's Direct Access NFS  radically change how easily you can get data in and out of Hadoop
    MapR's snapshots  the best data protection available for Hadoop
    MapReduce for the Masses  Zero to Hadoop in Five Minutes with CommonCrawl
    Matei Zaharia Hadoop Summit 2011 Spark  In Memory Cluster Computing
    Meet the committer  Apache Hadoop YARN with Arun Murthy
    MicroStrategy on Hadoop using Cloudera Impala Demo
    Mohammad Islam Hadoop Summit 2011 Oozie  Scheduling Workflows on the Grid
    Network Reference Architecture for Hadoop  Validated and Tested Approach
    Next Generation Hadoop MapReduce by Arun C. Murthy
    O'Reilly Webcast  An Introduction to Hadoop
    O'Reilly Webcast  Hadoop   Tips, Tricks, Optimizations, and Pitfalls
    O'Reilly Webcast  The State of Hadoop
    PappuPass Hadoop Exam Simulator Activation
    Part 4  Oracle Big Data and Hadoop to Process Log Files
    Partitioner in Hadoop
    Past, Present and Future of Data Processing in Apache Hadoop
    Performing Administrative Tasks in Hadoop on Azure
    Philip Shelley Keynote Hadoop Summit
    Planning your Hadoop NoSQL Projects for 2011  Impetus Webinar
    Predictive Analytics & Machine Learning with SAS and Apache Hadoop
    Querying and scripting in Hadoop
    R and Hadoop   Big Data Analytics
    Real time Streaming Analysis for Hadoop and Flume
    Reference Architecture for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical
    Rethinking the Data Warehouse with Hadoop and Hive   Ashish Thusoo
    RHadoop  R meets Hadoop
    Sanjay Radia Hadoop Summit 2011 Crossing the Chasm
    Savanna Project  Elastic Hadoop on OpenStack
    Scott Burke Keynote Hadoop Summit 2012
    Scott Gnau Keynote at Hadoop Summit 2012
    Securing the Hadoop Data Lake on HDP 2.1   Part1  Authentication
    Securing the Hadoop Data Lake with HDP 2.1   Part2  Authorization and Audit
    Securing the Hadoop Data Lake with HDP 2.1   Part3  Perimeter Security
    SGI Hadoop Clusters  Overview
    Shaun Connolly Keynote at Hadoop Summit 2012
    Simba Technologies Hadoop Hive ODBC 3.52 Connector Overview
    Sqoop in Hadoop
    Storm  the Hadoop of Realtime Stream Processing
    Strata 2013  John Schroeder,  Hadoop  Big Results
    Summingbird  A Streaming Map Reduce API for Storm, Hadoop, & More
    Suresh Srinivas Hadoop Summit 2011 HDFS Federation and Other Features
    Tackling Big Data with Hadoop and Open Source Integration
    The Formula for Hadoop Project Success
    The Value of the Modern Data Architecture with Apache Hadoop and Teradata
    The Wikibon Project  Big Data and Hadoop by Jeffrey Kelly
    Top 10 Tips & Tricks for Hadoop Success
    Tutorial  Evolving your data into strategic asset using HDP and Red Hat JBoss Data Virtualization
    Understanding Hadoop YARN a  from BigDSol
    US 1 3 TechDays  Hadoop vs RDMS, Gert Drapers on Big Data
    US 2 3 TechDays Hadoop vs RDMS, Gert Drapers on Big Data
    US 3 3 TechDays  Hadoop vs RDMS, Gert Drapers on Big Data
    Using Power Query to import Hadoop HDFS files
    Using R and Apache Hadoop for Data Mining and Statistical Predictive Analytics
    Utkarsh Srivastava Hadoop Summit 2011 Hadoop Scale Pub Sub with Hedwig
    Val Bercovici Hadoop Summit 2011 NetApp Talk
    Webinar  Data Access and Processing with Spring Data, Hadoop, Batch, Integration
    Webinar  Get Your Hadoop On   Leveraging Big Data with Informatica
    Webinar  Hadoop, Pivotal HD and Spring for Apache Hadoop
    Webinar  Introducing Spring for Apache Hadoop
    What are the XML files we are using in Hadoop
    What is a Hadoop cluster
    What is Apache Hadoop
    What is Apache Hadoop YARN
    What is Apache Spark
    What is Big Data  Big Data Explained (Hadoop & MapReduce)
    What is Cloudera Impala
    What is Hadoop    Free Hadoop Training    Big Data and Hadoop    Free Hadoop Tutorials
    What is Hadoop  Other big data terms like MapReduce  Cloudera's CEO talks us through big data trends
    What is Hadoop
    What is Hadoop and how do you set up an environment in hadoop
    What is Hadoop
    What Is Hadoop
    What is Hbase in Hadoop
    What is HDFS      Hadoop   fs    Apache Hadoop Tutorial
    What is HIVE in Hadoop
    What is importence of RecordReader in Hadoop
    What is NoSQL Database
    What is Oozie in Hadoop
    What is Pig in Hadoop
    What is RCFile (Hadoop Training) Apache Hive Training(2)
    What is SerDe   Hadoop Training , Apache Hive Training (1)
    What Is Systems Development Life Cycle
    When to Use Hadoop
    Why Partitioner in MapRednce (Hadoop)
    Why we need combiners in Hadoop
    Why we need Sqoop (Hadoop)
    YARN  Hadoop Beyond MapReduce
    Yoram Arnon Hadoop Summit 2011 Web Crawl Cache   Using HBase to Manage a Copy of the Web
    ZirMed, Microsoft & Hortonworks  We Do Hadoop Together